Reviewer guidelines

All papers submitted to JoIMedLabS undergo peer-review process to ensure the journal's scope, academic quality, and novelty. All articles submitted to JoIMedLabS will be evaluated according to the journal scope.


Reviewer responsibilities

Reviewer is responsible to read and evaluate the manuscript for its publication suitability in JoIMedLabS along with its scientific quality. Reviewers are expected to provide constructive, impartial, unambiguous, and honest feedback to the authors, with the aim of encouraging them to improve their manuscripts.


Things to consider before agreeing to review a manuscript:

Before agreeing to review a manuscript, the reviewer should be certain that they have the expertise and time required to provide a critical evaluation of the article and ensure that:

  1. The article matches reviewer expertise.
  2. Reviewer will be able to complete the review on time and dedicated enough time to conduct a thorough review. The review process should be completed within 30 working days. The reviewer should contact the editor if they cannot complete review process on time.
  3. Reviewer should not have a conflict of interest with the manuscript by conducting double-blind review process. However, if there is conflict of interest before accepting the review request, the reviewer should contact the editor and withdraw reviewing process immediately. The reviewer is expected to contact the editor if they find conflict of interest during the review as well.


Reviewer Ethics:

Reviewers should manage all documents and correspondence related to the manuscript according to the following guideline:

  1. Do not use any information in the manuscript for the advancement of the reviewer's own research or to discredit others.
  2. Do not discuss any aspect of the manuscript with any parties.
  3. Ensure that the information in the manuscript and the details of the review process remain confidential before, during, and after publication.
  4. Maintain the integrity of the double-blind review process. Under no circumstances is it allowed to contact any of the authors to discuss the manuscript.
  5. Be fair, honest, and objective in evaluating the manuscript.
  6. Declare any conflicts of interest.


JoIMedLabS Review Procedure

JoIMedLabS uses an online peer review system. When reviewers are asked to review papers submitted to JoIMedLabS, reviewers have a journal account created, where they can read the abstract and decide whether to agree to review. If the reviewer declines to review the manuscript, include the reason and if possible, suggest an alternative reviewer from a similar field.

To ensure the integrity of the peer-review process, all further correspondence will go through the system, with reviewers given access to the full manuscript and provided with a review page to fill out and submit. The reviewer could make comments directly on the manuscript file, however all comments are made anonymously and focus on the content of the article, not its layout or format.