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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.


Manuscript submission to JoIMedLabS must adhere to all the requirements and guidelines specified by JoIMedLabS. The manuscript should be in English, written in formal and scholarly manner, and have abstracts in both English and Indonesian.



The manuscript file is submitted in .doc, or .docx format (Microsoft word). Figures and Tables are placed in separate files from the text. The manuscript is written on A4 paper (8.5" x 11") with margins of 3 cm (top); 2 cm (bottom, left, right). The manuscript is written in Trebuchet MS font size 12 spacing 1.5 with justify paragraph format. Abbreviations must be fully defined at the first mention and used consistently thereafter. Species names are written in italics (e.g., Helicobacter pylori).



  1. The manuscript title is written in bold with Trebuchet MS font with size 16 and aligned left on the first page according to the manuscript template.
  2. The manuscript title must be clearly describing the content of the manuscript
  3. Capital letters in the manuscript title written at the beginning of sentence only, except for city name



  1. The author's name is written in Trebuchet MS font with a size of 12 and aligned to the left followed by a number according to the manuscript template.
  2. The affiliation is written in Trebuchet MS font with a size of 8 and aligned to the left of the page followed by a number corresponding to the author's affiliation.
  3. The affiliation includes the name of the department, faculty, university or institution, city and country.
  4. The corresponding address is an active email and official affiliation email of the corresponding author, written in Trebuchet MS font with a size of 10.



  1. The abstract consists of one paragraph containing 200-250 words. It briefly reflects the background, research objectives, materials and methods, results, and conclusions.
  2. The writing of keywords begins with a capital letter on each word, consisting of 3-5 words or phrases, arranged alphabetically, separated by semicolons, and relevant to the content of the research.
  3. The abstract is written in English without any quotation marks.
  4. The abstract is written with Trebuchet MS font size 10 with single space.



  1. The introduction section is written in a scientific and scholarly manner, supported by relevant and up-to-date data with references no later than 10 years prior to the submitted research.
  2. The introduction should clearly reveal the background of the research, the relevant literature, and convey the difference or gap with previous or similar research done by other researchers. The purpose of the research is stated at the end of the introduction section.
  3. The introduction is written with Trebuchet MS font size 12 with 1.5 spacing, justified format, and the distance between paragraphs is 6 pt.
  4. Reference managers are used in writing citations and references using APA style 7th edition (name, year). If there are words or phrases that are not in English, they must be written in italics.



  1. Methods section describe details of research procedures, measurement methods, examination methods, and data analysis used in the manuscript submitted. The method must be based on references and written with the source of reference. Online or offline software used must be written clearly. The procedures and equipment used are written in detail.
  2. Materials and methods are divided into subsections, written in detail related to the materials, specimens, reagents, samples, or populations used in the study.
  3. Materials are explained in detail so that other researchers can repeat or reproduce the study. The identity of the materials must include: the name of the materials or chemicals, catalogue number or LOT number, brand name, manufacture name, as well as city and country where the material was produced. The identity of the instrument or equipment must include: name or type, manufacture, as well as city and country where the instrument was made.
  4. Materials and methods section is written in Trebuchet MS font size 12 with 1.5 space, justified format and before spacing format of 6 pt.
  5. Reference managers are used in writing citations and references using APA style 7th edition (name, year). If there are words or phrases that are not in English, they must be written in italics.



  1. The results and discussion part can be written in narratives with clear explanations or descriptions or images (photos, charts, diagrams, graphs), and tables.
  2. The results and discussion is written in Trebuchet MS font size 12 with 1.5 spacing, justified format and paragraph spacing is 6 pt. For the first sentence in the paragraph, use the first line format of 1 cm.
  3. The discussion section is written in a scientific and scholarly manner, supported by relevant and up-to-date data with references no later than 10 years prior to the submitted manuscript.
  4. The discussion should present a comprehensive analysis of the research results. Any data or material that is given in the introduction or results sections should not be repeated into the discussion section. The discussion should outline the main conclusions and interpretations of the research, including some explanations of the importance of these conclusions. The discussion section may include answers for the following questions: how do the conclusions affect the existing assumptions and models in the field? How can future research be built using current observations? What are the key experiments that need to be done? The discussion should be concise and rigorously argued.
  5. The writing of the discussion should refer to research results in figures or tables. It is suggested to not write "the figure above" or "the figure below" but refer to "Figure 1" or "Table 1" and so on.
  6. Reference managers are used in writing citations and references using APA style 7th edition (name, year). If there are words or phrases that are not in English, they must be written in italics.
  7. The table title is written in Trebuchet MS font size 12 with 1 spacing placed on the left-aligned position, while the table content is written in Trebuchet MS font size 12 with single spacing.
  8. The numbering of tables, figures and mathematical formulas is written in sequence. Tables and figures taken from other sources must be accompanied by citations.



  1. The conclusion is written in a paragraph (not in bullet points) containing the answer to the research objective and written concisely and clearly and showing the importance of the research.
  2. The conclusion is written with Trebuchet MS font size 12 with 1.5 spacing, justified format, and before spacing format is 6 pt.



  1. The authors must acknowledge anyone or institution or any parties contributed to the research in the form of research funding, service, or facilities used in the research.
  2. If any person referred to is not an author of the manuscript submitted.
  3. The acknowledgment is written in Trebuchet MS font size 10, single space, justified format, and before spacing format is 6 pt.



  1. The name of the funding organization must be written in full along with the contract number of the grant.
  2. Funding section is written in Trebuchet MS font size 10, single space, justified format, and before spacing format is 6 pt.



  1. Contains a statement of whether or not there is a conflict of interest in the research. Conflict of interest is a conflict between the objectivity of scientific research results and the interests of certain parties that cause the research to have a certain bias.
  2. Conflict of interest section is written in Trebuchet MS font size 10, single space, justified format, and before spacing format is 6 pt.



  1. The author contribution is written in detail to describe the specific contribution of each author to the research and manuscript. Use the author's initials to indicate their names; example, "GN, PK: designed the research. AN, PK: analyzed the data; UMR, GH: performed the laboratory work. All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript."
  2. The author contribution section is written in Trebuchet MS font size 10, single space, justified format, and before spacing format is 6 pt.
  3. The author contribution follows the CRediT taxonomy guidelines https://www.elsevier.com/researcher/author/policies-and-guidelines/credit-author-statement



  1. The bibliography must come from books, journals, and proceedings with a percentage of 80% of the literature coming from English-language journals. All citations referred to in the manuscript must be mentioned in the reference section and include the DOI number for digital documents. The references cited in the manuscript are no later than 10 years prior to the submitted research.
  2. The references section is written in Trebuchet MS font size 12, single space, justified format, and before spacing format is 6 pt, indented by 1 cm for the second line.
  3. Reference managers are used in writing citations and references using APA style 7th edition according to the following examples:

Scientific journal:

Bashir, S., Mohsin, S., Amin, H., Rehman, M., Hussain, S., & Saeed, T. (2014). Comparison of changes in platelet count, mean platelet volume and swirling in stored platelet concentrates with and without platelet additive solution. Journal of Applied Hematology, 5(1), 10–14. https://doi.org/10.4103/1658-5127.131819.


Kiswari, R. (2014). Hematologi dan Transfusi. Jakarta: Erlangga.

Book chapter

Armstrong, D. (2019). Malory and character. In M. G. Leitch & C. J. Rushton (Eds.), A new companion to Malory (pp. 144-163). D. S. Brewer.


Fachniar, G., Koentjoro, M. P., Isdiantoni, Ekawati, I., & Prasetyo, E. N. (2020, April). Effect of laccase oxidation on phenol content and antioxidant capacity of roasted coffee. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2215, No. 1, p. 070003). AIP Publishing LLC.



  1. Figures as in diagrams, graphs, or pictures are positioned at the center of the page followed by source of the picture (citation or source of data). The Figures are numbered orderly beginning from 1, followed by title and concise description.
  2. Figures must be clear and in high quality, inserted from file format of JPEG, JPG, or PNG. Figures in the form of graphs or diagrams must be displayed with consistent format and size. For each citation and before spacing format is 6 pt. Figure description positioned at the bottom of the figure with single space Trebuchet MS font size 12.
  3. Each table is presented in the form of a plain table without a line separating each column (vertical lines), and positioned at the center of the page with the source of the table (Reference or Primary Data) written. The tables are numbered orderly beginning from 1, followed by table title and concise description. Table description positioned at the top of the table with single space Trebuchet MS font size 12.



The name and email address entered to this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes of this journal and will not be used for other purposes or shared to other parties.