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Aini Aini
Jumari Ustiawaty


Typhoid fever is one of the diseases that attack the human digestive tract that has a close relationship with environmental sanitation factors. Typhoid fever is transmitted through food and drink contaminated by Salmonella typhi and is an infectious disease. This type of research is descriptive analytics that aims to look for relationships between variables. The method used in the Widal test is agglutination while on Anti Salmonella typhi IgM examination is Inhibition Magnetic Binding Immunoassay (IMBI). The object of the study was a patient indicated by typhoid fever who examined Widal test and Anti Salmonella typhi IgM in the laboratory of Prodia Mataram Clinic, included in the inclusion criteria of 57 people. Based on the results of the study, widal test examination with fever day 3 to day 7 obtained the number of widal test positive patients 4 people (7%) while in Anti Salmonella typhi IgM obtained positive results 14 people (24.6%). At the Widal test with fever day 3, 2 people were positively infected with Salmonella typhi with titers 1/320 while on the 6th and 7th day fever each one person was positive with titers 1/320 and 1/640. At the Anti Salmonella typhi IgM examination on fever days 3 to 5 there were 4 people positively infected with Salmonella typhi scale 4 to 6, while on the 6th and 7th days were obtained.

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How to Cite
Aini, A., & Ustiawaty, J. (2023). PROFIL LAMA DEMAM PENDERITA SUSPEK DEMAM TIFOID TERHADAP HASIL WIDAL DAN ANTI Salmonella typhi IgM. Journal of Indonesian Medical Laboratory and Science (JoIMedLabS), 4(1), 1–13.


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