The relationship between the length of treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis patients in the intensive phase and hemoglobin levels
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Background: Tuberculosis (TB) medication can alter hematological parameters, including hemoglobin levels. Hemoglobin levels due to anti-TB drugs have the potential to cause anemia. Therefore, it is important to know the risk of anemia during intensive phase TB treatment therapy. Objectives: This study aims to determine the relationship between the length of treatment for TB patients in the intensive phase and hemoglobin levels. Materials and Methods: The sample was selected using the accidental sampling method. The number of samples obtained was 31 consisting of 17 respondents from the Kedungmundu Community Health Center, 14 respondents from the Bangetayu Community Health Center. EDTA blood was analyzed using a KX21-N hematology analyzer. The relationship between the duration of treatment and hemoglobin levels in TB patients was statistically tested using Pearson correlation test. Results: Most of the intensive phase TB patients are in the 15-24 years age group. The percentage of female patients is 54.8%, and 45.2% male. TB patients with a treatment duration of 5-8 weeks are 34.1% and a treatment duration of 1-4 weeks is 65.9%. Normal hemoglobin levels are 51.6%, and low hemoglobin levels are 48.4%. The results of the Pearson correlation test have a significance level of 0.862. Conclusion: There is no correlation between the duration of treatment of intensive phase TB patients and hemoglobin levels. The importance of monitoring hemoglobin levels during intensive phase treatment, in order to monitor the effectiveness of treatment or the presence of complications such as anemia.
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