Skrening diabetes militus melalui pemeriksaan gula darah masyarakat kota Surakarta pada acara car free day

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Fredericus Pramonodjati


This report presents community service activities carried out by the Medical Laboratory Technology Applied Bachelor Program of Politeknik Santo Paulus Surakarta in collaboration with DPC PATELKI Surakarta. The activity aims to raise public awareness about the importance of blood glucose testing as an early detection effort for diabetes mellitus. The event, held on November 17, 2024, in front of Gramedia Surakarta, involved blood glucose screening for the residents of Surakarta City. From the examination results involving 122 participants, 85 individuals were found to have normal blood glucose levels, 23 were categorized as pre-diabetic, and 14 were diagnosed with diabetes. These results highlight the need for further education and regular screenings to prevent diabetes complications. This activity is expected to significantly improve public health and encourage awareness of the importance of regular blood glucose testing.

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