Upaya pencegahan penyakit menular seksual melalui deteksi dini gangguan kesehatan reproduksi (DENIS) di MTS X Kecamatan Pedagangan, Kabupaten Gresik
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Adolescent reproductive health is more vulnerable to various diseases, especially sexually transmitted diseases. To maintain sexual and reproductive health, teenagers must know and understand how to live with healthy reproduction so they don't fall into wrong relationships that are detrimental to teenagers. Lack of information and education can trigger undesirable things in teenagers, including premarital sexual relations, contracting sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy at a young age. This service aims to increase understanding of the reproductive system as an effort to prevent infectious diseases in adolescents. The service method is socialization of the reproductive system and interactive dialogue/question and answer. Evaluation is carried out by means of question and answer discussions, pretest and posttest with participants. The results of this activity show that there is an increase in the knowledge of junior high school students with the average results of the pretest (38.46 %) and posttest (88.46 %). This activity concluded that there was an average increase in knowledge of 63.46 %..